Archive for the ‘Audio and Video’ Category

Interview I did on KTAR recently

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

Joshua Smith Interviews Me

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015




Seminar – The Two Types of People

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

This seminar contains the most vital, high impact and important information I know.

Here is the link to the booklet:

The Cause of Suppression

Here is the link to the YouTube video:


Realtor Success Seminar – The Conditions

Monday, August 19th, 2013

You can see the booklet here: Ethics and the Conditions





Find Out Why – Achieving Your Goals

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Here is the entire seminar

And here is the handout

Tone Scale Seminar for Agents

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

Here is a video link for a seminar I gave to agents.  It is just under 90 minutes long.  It is a remarkable tool for predicting the behavior of others.  I think you will really like it.

Here is the link to the booklet I passed out: The Emotional Tone Scale

A Seminar on Team Building

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Seminar on Team Building

Over the years I’ve had agents tell me they "wanted a big team".  Or they "didn’t want a big team".  I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t want "a big team" have a need for a team at all.  And (other than an oversized self image) I’ve never seen any good reason to "want a big team".  It just doesn’t work that way.

Further, most "real estate teams" are not "teams" at all but simply people who sit at offices in the same building or room.  They are not teams in any real sense of the word, "team".

I believe the fundamentals of team building are the building blocks of building a business.  Here is a link to a page that has pretty much the entire two hour talk I gave (Wendy came in near the end and covered hiring) and also some links to little snippets where specific questions are answered.  Thanks to Phil Sexton for doing all the editing and making this possible.  I hope you like it and find it as helpful as I intended.

Doing FHA Getting Real Tough, Real Soon – 06.17.10

Saturday, June 19th, 2010


Watch Video

Russell Shaw Webinar for Number1Expert

Friday, July 3rd, 2009


Here is a link for a webinar I did about a week ago for Number 1 Expert.  You do have to fill out a short form to listen and give them them information to get to the actual recording.  It is about an hour long and you will see slides on the screen that are in sync with my answers.  They titled the talk, "How to Stay Positive in Uncertain Market Conditions".

Some good stuff.

Mike Orr and The Cromford Report

Friday, May 22nd, 2009

Mike Orr Cromford Report

Here is a professional quality video of Mike Orr of The Cromford Report giving a talk at a Mastermind meeting I attend every month.  It is about an hour long and the specific stats won’t apply if you are not in the Phoenix area.  His interesting and unique methods for tracking and predicting short-term price movement will apply.  If there is something better available I’ve not seen it.  Click here for the link to the video.